The Royal Historical Society (RHS) is the scientific unit of King Boris and Queen Giovanna Royal Heritage Fund – Vrana Palace. It is a voluntary alliance of persons with lasting interests in the research, preservation, and promotion of the history of the Bulgarian Royal Dynasty, the Third Bulgarian Kingdom, and the Monarchical Institute in general. The Royal Historical Society cooperates on a broad basis with scientific units,
academic, educational, cultural institutions, and non-governmental organizations in the country and abroad with similar goals and objectives.
The Royal Historical Society consists of a Scientific Council and members. The Scientific Council of RHS consists of seven persons who have obtained at least a Doctoral degree in sciences from an accredited university, academic, or research institution in the Republic of Bulgaria or abroad.
At the suggestion of the Chairman of the Royal Historical Society, the Board of Trustees of King Boris and Queen Giovanna Fund elects proven and established professionals in their fields for members of the RHS Scientific Council. The Chairman of the Scientific Council represents the RHS.
The Royal Historical Society holds meetings, manages scientific forums, discussions, conferences, and publishes an Annual of its activities.
Prof. Dr. Andrey Pantev
Prof. Dr. Milko Palangoursky
Prof. Dr. Roman Holetz
Prof. Dr. Veselin Yanchev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavel Pavlov
Dr. Arch. Lyubinka Stoilova
Александър Въчков, д-р
Александър Омарчевски, проф. д-р
Александър Спасов
Александър Суев
Александър Ал. Трайков
Андрей Ковачев
Антим Чакалов
Ваня Савова, д-р
Васил Дончев
Виктор Байчев, д-р
Владимир Велев
Владимир Доналд Михалюк
Георги Божидаров
Георги Милков
Гюнтер Фурман
Деян Дунавски
Димитър Панчев
Евгени Паунов, д-р
Жанет Митева
Ивайло Ангелов
Иван Тодоров
Иво Райков
Кристиян Шкварек
Любомир Цанев
Малин Кръстев
Мартин Атанасов
Мартин Петров
Михаил Кунчев
Петър Бозуков
отец Пётр Еремеев, игумен д-р
Петър Клисаров
Петър Найденов
Петя Владимирова
Пламен Баръмов
Пламен Кочев
Пламен Лесев
Пламен Петров
Силвия Авдала
Стефан Щулпе
Филип Миланов
Юрий Проданов, доц. д-р
Юсеф Дакак
Янко Илиев